Commercial Mock Mediation for Observation Development Points
A 3-hour online session using a commercial mediation filmed, introduced and facilitated by a CEDR/ CMC-registered mediator, with live chat and followed by a Q&A.
14:00 - 17:00

We are constantly told that finding mediations to observe is one of the most challenging aspects of a mediators’ professional development.
This is understandable.
Mediations are usually set up relatively quickly, are confidential by nature and are subject to the personal preference of mediators.
However, given observations are such an integral part of any mediators’ development especially early on, CEDR has developed a new online session to help you gain TWO of your required Civil Mediation Council (CMC) Observation and Experience Points (this is under Category G of the CMC’s list of activities).
The CMC requires a total of ten Observations and Experience Points for mediators to become Registered for England & Wales.
The scenario used in this session is a Commercial mediation.