Understanding Mediating Online

Event Date:
12 October 2023
This is an online course on 12th October 2023 from 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm (UK Time).
The objective of this course is to reflect on and understand online mediation is bringing to our practice. Mediation has, for many professionals, a very physical aspect: Building rapport, managing emotions, managing physical energy and mental focus, setting up rooms, etc. It is therefore fundamental for mediators to consider all the aspects of the mediation that will be transformed when working online.
Our faculty will work with the group through each phase of the mediation model, and look at the impact of these online tools on the skills, as well as on the management of the process, the relationships and the content. This training will be structured around practice exchange and facilitated group reflection.
Prior to the course, you will be sent a video on how to use the technology. This video, recorded by CEDR and based on the experience of our mediators, will explain how to effectively use online communication to carry out a mediation. This will include: organising the mediation, setting up the “mediation room” and breakout rooms, signing documents online, ensuring confidentiality, etc.
The course trainers are Gillian Caroe & Neil Goodrum.