Mediation Case Study: Navigating an Acrimonious Employment Dispute to Resolution


Sector. Banking and Finance

Type. Employment including claims for unfair and wrongful dismissal

Mediator. Neil Goodrum

Outcome. Successful resolution on the day.

Value. 6 – 7 figure sum claims

This case study sheds light on a challenging employment dispute fraught with complexities, emotional ties, and high financial stakes. Conducted by CEDR Mediator Neil Goodrum, the case, which sparked a contentious legal battle, centered on claims of unfair and wrongful dismissal, marked by a contentious dispute over the value of the claims, complex schedules of loss, and allegations of post-termination restriction breaches. The financial implications were substantial with the numbers involved reaching six to seven figures.

The Challenges 

The case presented three main challenges:

1. High Financial Stakes: The substantial financial figures in question amplified the gravity of the dispute, making it more challenging to reach an agreement.

2. Acrimonious Atmosphere: The employment dispute was characterised by a high degree of angst, mistrust and anger, a common feature in such cases, as parties often grapple with issues that are deeply personal.

3. Unwillingness to Meet: The parties were initially reluctant to engage in direct negotiations. The emotional nature of the dispute and the complex financial details contributed to this reluctance.

The Mediation

The mediation contained several challenges, including a reluctance to meet face-to-face and inertia around making an initial offer. The mediator overcame those obstacles and highlighted below are some of the key milestones in the process:

1. Private Meetings: The mediation process commenced with private meetings between the mediator and each party’s legal representatives, bypassing an initial joint meeting.

2. Challenges in Initiating Negotiations: Neither side was willing to make an offer, each insisting that the other party should initiate the negotiation process. This standstill is a common occurrence in disputes with entrenched positions.

3. Changing the Perspective: A key turning point in this mediation was shifting the parties’ focus from fixed numbers to a more flexible approach. The mediator guided the parties towards thinking about the case’s value, the potential flow of financial settlement, and what the outcome might look like.

4. Breaking Down Complexities: Instead of merely exchanging figures, the mediator facilitated a breakdown of the case’s complexity. This involved reframing the dispute, reality testing each side on their stated positions, exploring the rationale behind valuation, and introducing a different perspective.

5. Embracing a Payment Plan: A critical breakthrough in this case was the realisation that both parties were open to a staged payment arrangement. This willingness to consider a payment plan became the catalyst for moving the dispute towards resolution.

Emotion in Employment Disputes

Disputes in the employment arena, regardless of sector, are often highly emotional. This is because people’s livelihoods and professional reputation is intimately linked to notions of self-worth and respect. Challenges to these identities naturally trigger an emotional response.

It is important to recognise this is true for both sides and not just the employee. Managers and leaders will not want their competency and character questioned and potentially damaged publicly.

It is critical therefore that the mediator and the parties engage in the emotions at play and give space for them to be not only aired, but acknowledged and respected. Only once people feel heard and validated will they be able to move on to discuss resolution and a way forward.

Resolving the Dispute

Ultimately, the mediator successfully navigated the complexities and emotions inherent in employment disputes. By fostering an atmosphere conducive to exploring alternative perspectives and introducing the concept of staged payments, the mediator initiated a productive dialogue.


This case study emphasises the pivotal role of mediation in resolving emotionally charged, complex employment disputes. It demonstrates that, even in cases with substantial financial implications and acrimony, the strategic guidance of a skilled mediator can lead to innovative solutions and ultimately pave the way to resolution.

Mediation offers and unique and flexible approach to resolving these disputes that cannot be found in more traditional, formal routes.

Watch Neil Goodrum Discuss this Case here:


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