£ bn
Cost of Conflict to UK Businesses Each Year *CEDR Research
Million Working Days Lost Dealing with Conflict *CBI Research
Average Cost of Tribunal Legal Fees Alone *British Chamber of Commerce Research

Cost of Conflict Calculator

In the calculator, insert the average salary cost (including taxes and bonuses), the average work hours per week, the *average hours per week spent on Conflict and the number of each employee for each category (Management and Staff).

The formula will automatically calculate the amount of money lost per annum through poor conflict management.

Average salary cost (incl. tax and bonus)
Average work hours / week
Average h. / week spent on managing conflict (*)
Number of employees
Loss per year



Grand total of losses per year


(*) Average for UK is 1.8/week for each staff (based on OPP/CIPD Research)

We help you deal with an annual £33 billion problem - unhealthy workplace conflict!

At a bank we recently helped, the cost of a typical workplace dispute was estimated at being:

€600,000 in legal fees, an exit package the equivalent of three years of salary and 1000 hours of management time.

No business should tolerate or, in the unprecedented times we live in, afford costs like these.

Read more about the Cost of Conflict in your business, or book your FREE Conflict Review Session now. 

The Cost of Not Acting Now

Speak to one of CEDR's Experts to Discuss the Cost of Conflict in your Business.

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