ICW Consumer Code for New Homes

We provide independent adjudication for disputes relating to the ICW Consumer Code for New Homes.




Up to 90 days

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New build

What we can do

This scheme uses adjudication. Adjudication is a process by which an adjudicator, who is legally qualified or with a specialism relevant to the dispute, weighs up the documents and evidence provided by the customer and the company in order to reach a decision. The adjudicator will take into account the law relevant to the subject matter of the dispute at hand. The adjudicator’s decision is binding upon both parties* if the customer chooses to accept it. If the customer chooses not to accept the decision, it will have no binding effect on either party.

  • If you want to know more about how we can help you with your ICW Consumer Code for New Homes complaint, please visit our Help & Guides.

The steps you must take before submitting a complaint

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Contact the company

Raise your concerns directly with the ICW Insured Developer.
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Get in touch with CEDR

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by the developer and within six months of receiving that correspondence, you will need to contact ICW directly. ICW will then confirm whether or not your home is covered by the Code and confirm the area of complaint is within scope of the Code. ICW will also check to see if you have followed the Code’s complaints process ahead of you making an application to CEDR.
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Accept or reject the final decision

Once you have received a deadlock letter/ referral notice from ICW and within 30 calendar days, you can make an application to CEDR for independent adjudication. CEDR will assess the dispute and an independent adjudicator will issue a final decision. You are free to either accept or reject this final decision as it appears. If you accept the decision, the developer will need to comply within a specified timeframe.
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Are you a business?

CEDR can provide dispute resolution services for businesses in most sectors.

  • Fast, and cost effective solutions
  • Provided at a sustainable cost
Chartered Training Standards Institute

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