
CEDR adjudicates disputes between customers and lottery operators who are members of the CEDR Scheme. The operator of the National Lottery, Allwyn Entertainment Ltd, is a member of this Scheme.

Managed independently by Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution




Approx. 6-8 weeks

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What we can do

We are approved as an independent dispute resolution provider by the regulator, The Gambling Commission to Adjudicate disputes related to transactions (game playing). Please note that we can only accept applications in English and the adjudication process is conducted entirely in English.

  • If you want to know more about how we can help you with your Lotteries complaint, please visit our Help & Guides.

The steps you must take before submitting a complaint

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Contact the company

Raise your complaint with the company in the first instance. If you are not happy with the initial response, you can escalate your complaint to a Allwyn Entertainment Ltd Manager who will provide a response within 10 working days. After receiving that response, if you remain unhappy, you can request a further investigation by a Allwyn Entertainment Ltd Senior Manager. They will contact you with the final outcome of your complaint, generally within 10 working days.
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Get in touch with CEDR

If you remain dissatisfied following receipt of final position letter from an Allwyn Entertainment Senior Manager or the dispute has not been settled and 8 weeks has passed from the date on which the dispute was first  raised,  you may refer the matter to CEDR by submitting an application for adjudication. Once submitted your application will be reviewed for its eligibility.
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Complaint allocated to adjudicator

If accepted your complaint will be allocated to an adjudicator. Claims up to £10,000: The adjudicator will issue a written Decision that the customer may choose accept or reject. If accepted Allwyn Entertainment must comply with the adjudicators' direction on redress. Claims over £10,000: The adjudicator will issue a recommendation. If both the customer and Allwyn Entertainment accept the recommendation it becomes a binding contract.n
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Are you a business?

CEDR can provide dispute resolution services for businesses in most sectors.

  • Fast, and cost effective solutions
  • Provided at a sustainable cost
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