National Custom & Self Build Association
NaCSBA is the voice of the Custom and Self-build housing sector. It's mission is to make Custom and Self-build a mainstream choice for everyone seeking a home of their own.
Up to 90 days

What we can do
CEDR can provide the services of a conciliator for a private and structured form of assisted negotiation. If a settlement is reached the conciliator can draw up an agreement that can then become a legally binding contract if signed by both parties.
- If you want to know more about how we can help you with your NaCSBA complaint, please visit our Help & Guides.
The steps you must take before submitting a complaint

Contact the company

Get in touch with NaCSBA

Refer to CEDR for conciliation

Meet the Team
See our experienced team >
Companies covered
View companies covered on the NaCSBA website >
Are you a business?
CEDR can provide dispute resolution services for businesses in most sectors.
- Fast, and cost effective solutions
- Provided at a sustainable cost

CEDR is approved by Government under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Compentent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015.