Susanne Schuler, Director of Training & Consultancy, CEDR

Ben Thomson, Content Strategist, CEDR
Prevalent in TV, film and politics, where the more negative aspects of this style are often glamorised or admired – bullish, steam-roller and borderline authoritarian tactics – ‘Competing’ is often misunderstood.
Just because you compete in conflict situations, doesn’t automatically make you a bully.
Of course, some people can stray into this type of destructive behaviour.
Like with all styles, there are clear benefits to ‘Competing’ and dangers to overusing it.
If you yourself compete in conflict, we want to ensure you get the most out of your style, being able to advance your interests while maintaining relationships and work effectively with others.
Equally, if you work with competitors and want to understand how to collaborate with them, stepping into their shoes is a great place to start.
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