Conflict Management | 21 mins

Conflict Styles – Accommodating

Susanne Schuler


Susanne Schuler, Director of Training & Consultancy, CEDR

Ben Thomson, CEDR Content Strategist


Ben Thomson, Content Strategist, CEDR

Conceding to others, letting them have what they want and ignoring your own needs – so-called ‘people pleasing’ – is a widely spread conflict behaviour.

If this is something you recognise in yourself, we want to help you to move from giving in to getting more.

Even if you aren’t a natural accommodator, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of this style can help you to think about when to strategically deploy it to your advantage.

No one style is the ‘best’ and our experience tell us that the people who get the most out of conflict, are those who can adapt their approach to the situation and person they are facing.

To do that, you need to understand them all.

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