Negotiation | 32 mins

Ask a Negotiator Episode 7 – How to Manage a Crisis

Philip Williams, CEDR Trainer, Mediator & Coach


Philip Williams, Hostage and Crisis Negotiator & CEDR Trainer

Ben Thomson, CEDR Content Strategist


Ben Thomson, Content Strategist, CEDR

How well equipped are you to manage a crisis at your organisation?

We have all been facing the biggest crises for a generation – the COVID19 pandemic.

How well individuals and organisations manage a testing crisis period will determine their long term success and sustainability.

A crisis doesn’t need to be as gargantuan as the one we are in at the moment. It can be an IT failure, inter-team conflict or at an individual level, a challenging personal problem.

The common mistake made during a crisis is to let it consume you to the detriment of everything else you are supposed to be and committed to delivering.

This is perhaps the inspiration for this week’s #askanegotiator podcast:

“What particular skills would a Hostage and Crisis Negotiator bring to an organisation and its management team to enable them to remain focussed on the delivery of products and services to their customers?”

The lessons learnt from managing international hostage-takings or sieges can be powerfully applied to the business world as Philip discusses in the podcast.

He shares practical advice on crisis management both at an organisational and individual level that can immediately be put into action.

We hope you enjoy the podcast and as always, this series is shaped by you, our listeners. So if you have a question or topic you want Philip to tackle, send it over to the podcast host Ben here.

Crisis Decision Log article referred to in the podcast can be accessed here.

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